Sunday, March 7, 2010

Brit's Crafties

My mom is a very artsy lady. Growing up, she was always painting and drawing and creating decor for our home. Tristan inherited most of her crafty genes but I managed to get away with a artsy bone or two. Poor Tara got nothing...just brains. I tend to hop from hobby to hobby. This week, it's hair accessories. I was super pumped about it for a few days. I was going to be able to earn some income from home doing something fun. But Dan became the voice of reality and let me know that it would be a huge endeavor to ever make a profit. So, now I'm just doing it for fun and presents. I bought about 50 headbands so if anyone wants one, just let me know! Here's a taste of what I've done so far.

I sewed roses from ribbon I found off an old shirt and turned it into this cute comb.
I had a belt buckle I bought ages ago that I never used. And some spiffy material from an old shirt.
 I sewed roses from material and added an old, pearl button.
 Made roses from black ribbon and added a butterfly!
 This is a comb with a petal and twirly thing. Added some white roses and button.

I'm sure there will be more to come.  I can't seem to think about much else these days.  Let me know if you have any neat ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Brittany! You need to design one for Daniel so he can see where he is going! :)
    Keep the pics coming, I love seeing your creations!
